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Conference Call Recording – How To Record A Conference Call

There are many occasions when it may be important to record your conference call. This great feature allows people to listen to past conference calls that they were not able to attend. Many of our customers use recorded conference calls as training or sales information tools. The following gives you additional information on how to best use this feature.

  1. Planning is important. Most conference calls have a noisy start and a lingering end. So, you should plan to start the recording after most of the participants have arrived and end the recording when you are finished. To do this, press *9 to start and press *9 again to stop and save recording at the desired times.
  2. You can turn your entry and exit chimes off by using the *8 key function.

How to Record a Conference

During the conference, the host can start recording by pressing *9. The system disconnects him/her from the conference and prompts for the Subscriber PIN. If the Subscriber PIN is valid, the host is returned to the conference and all attendees are notified that the recording option has been started. To stop and save the recording, the host will press *9 again.

How to Record Your Audio Conference Calls with  Screen Shot

Now you have a recording

Once you've successfully made a recording, you have three options for playback. You can listen to the conference call using the playback number, you can download the file to your own system or you can utilize the RSS linking, iTunes or Stream it directly from our servers.

Playback Number

Simply provide the playback number and access code to allow anyone to hear the conference over the phone.

Instructions to Listen to Your Recorded Audio Conference Call with

Download to your computer

Follow the link that is provided in your Call Detail Report or login into your account to download your recording. We do not provide a back-up version so we recommend that you always download these recordings for back-up purposes. When you click on the Download button your system will let you save the file to your favorite location. The file format is a .wav or .mp3 file.

Instructions to Save Your Audio Conferencing Recordings with

Listen Online

The system also provides the ability to listen online using RSS, iTunes or Streaming using Real Player.

How to Listen to Your Audio Recordings