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Pay Less. Help Others.

Our pricing is guided by two goals. 1) We believe world-class, unlimited use communications should be affordable, so we charge dramatically less than our competition. 2) It is our mission to make sure charities, students, and other in-need communities have access to the communication tools they need. We use the money we make from paid upgrades to provide them with these free tools.

FreeConferenceCall Classic

You can’t pay right now and that’s okay. Host meetings with a time limit.

Free Audio Conferencing



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Unlimited Package

Get our full award-winning conferencing package. Host unlimited online meetings for a fair price.

All the benefits of Classic, plus:




Complete Communication

Get everything that comes with the first two packages and a US phone number that you can use to make and receive unlimited calls and texts* to the US right from your app.

Add A US Phone Number + Calling




Customer Stories

Who uses FreeConferenceCall and who would you be supporting by using our service? Read some of their stories below. If you have your own story and would like to share, please email with the subject line "My story" and tell us how you use FreeConferenceCall.

image of man in truck waving

Dozens of truck drivers often hop on an audio-only conference call while they deliver shipments. They say it's critical for late night long-hauls when the group interaction helps them stay awake and entertained. They prefer FreeConferenceCall because of the 1,000-participant cap and its availability. One group even has group poetry readings. " has helped us in more ways than one and we are all extremely thankful."

teacher with students surrounding her while on the computer

A nonprofit in Maryland was having trouble providing their community's middle and high school students with much-needed leadership training and practice regularly. Their lean budget prevented their organization from spending money and resources on paid-for communication software, hindering their ability to reach out to their neighbors, friends and family. became their remote team's most reliable free-to-use collaboration platform. With the resources they saved, they were able to reach even more students and encourage lasting change in their community.

family smiling

A neighborhood was looking for a tool they could use to communicate with their community about organized activities related to school, church and volunteer services in their local area. The leaders of the neighborhood association choose Free Conference Call to help their youth and parents coordinate with event planners and make each gathering a united celebration.

man shaking hand with another man

Employees of a government agency were looking for software that could help their team stay up to date on community events and allow them to discuss burgeoning societal issues while traveling. Free Conference Call became their audio and video conferencing tool of choice to aid in their discussion on new policies. The conferencing platform helps them communicate with co-workers, tend to their duties and stay on top of breaking news on demand.