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We need your help. It is our mission to make sure charities, students, and non-profits around the world have access to the communication tools they need.

To help us do that, we are asking our community to pay what they can for our service.

Please pay what you can. Any amount helps us help so many.

Suggested Amount


Per Month

Average Amount


Per Month

Market Rate*


Per Month

Pay What You Can

* This is about what Zoom & GoToMeeting charge for a comparable tool

When Covid-19 Struck…

"During this time of budget conscious, socially conscious, social-distancing, post coronavirus environment; I can't think of a better remote meeting platform than I read their story on their website and fell in love with their philosophy of "let's help each other way of life". When I saw that their cost is a donation I was over the moon! Who does that in this greedy world! Of course I wanted to help them continue to help others and signed up immediately for as much as I can give monthly. Listen, I am all for an excellent service with a HEART! How refreshing it has been to find this company and join them! I HIGHLY recommend them without reservation!"

We'd Like to Introduce You to Some of The People You Help:

Alfreda J. told us: "I am a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother and also a Sunday School teacher for 17 years to Adult women. As a result of covid-19 our church services closed. The women still wanted to meet; one of the ladies in our class was connected to your service and arranges for us to meet every Sunday. Your service is so important for the spiritual and mental well being for not only me but also the women I serve"

A charity told us they use the tool to provide training to blind and low vision individuals to help them live independently. Because they don’t have to pay for conferencing they’re able to pay for more medical treatments to help restore vision for many

James S. told us "Free conference call is a valuable ministry for my church. It helps me to minister to the elderly who cannot leave their home."

A support group was getting bullied when they met in person. They found a safe haven with our video conferencing tool. The service allowed their group to meet multiple times a week to uplift one another in a secure, safe environment free from bullying.

When COVID-19 Struck, The World Turned to to Stay Connected

Covid-19 led the world to shelter in place and work remotely, millions of people turned to our service. In the areas worst hit we saw user growth rates in excess of 3,000%. We were able to meet that demand and help people access a tool that lets them stay safe and stay connected because of you, our incredible community.

Thank You in Advance

These are just some of the thousands of stories that have been shared with us. If you’d like to help us ensure charities, volunteers, and students always have access to free communication tools, please select an amount below.

Suggested Amount


Per Month

Average Amount


Per Month

Market Rate*


Per Month

Pay What You Can

* This is about what Zoom & GoToMeeting charge for a comparable tool